Friday 9 December 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 4: The prayer of Sakradi devathas.

21.  Kenopama bhavathu thesya parakramasya,
       Roopam cha shathru bhaya karyadhi hari kuthra,
       Chithe krupaa samara nishtooratha cha dushsta,
       Twayeva devi, varade bhuvana trayepi.
Hey Goddess who showers all the requested blessings on your devotees, to which thing can we compare thine great valour? To which can we compare your looks which is pretty but creates fear among your enemies. In all the three worlds only in you we are able to see mercy in your mind and fierce cruelty in war.

22.  Trilokya methad akilam ripu nasanena,
       Tratham twaya samara murdhani the api hatwa,
       Neetha divam ripu gana bhaya mapyapastha,
       Masmaka munmadha surari bhavam namasthe.
Our salutations to thee mother who has saved all the three worlds from the destruction of enemies, who has killed hoards of enemies in the war field and led to heaven and who has completely cured our fear.

23.  Soolena pahino devi, pahi gadgena chabhike,
       Gandaswanena na pahi chapajyaniswanena cha.
Oh goddess, please save us by your spear, Of mother of all worlds, save us all by using your sword and also save us bythe ringing of your bells and twang of your bow.

24.  Prachyam raksha, pradeechyam cha chandike, Raksha dakshine,
       Bramanenathma soolasya utharasyam thadeswai.
Oh Goddess, please save the eastern side by the rotation of your spear. Of goddess Chandika, similarly save the western, southern and northern sides.

25.  Sowmyani yani roopani trolokye vicharanthi they,
       Yani chatyartha ghorani thai rakshas maam sthadha bhuvam.
Let that aspect of you, which is peaceful (involved in creation and upkeep) and that aspect, which is fearful, (that involved in destruction) which are travelling in all the three worlds save us and those of the people in the earth by the same aspects.
(killed by her they attain salvation)

(to be contd…..)

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 4: The prayer of Sakradi devathas.

16.  Durge smrutha harasi bheethimasesha jantho,
       Swasthai smruthaa mathi matheeva shubha dhadhasi,
       Daridrya dukha bhaya harini ka twadhanya,
       Sarvopa kara karanaya sadardra chitha.
You destroy sorrow of all beings who sorrow, you give great wisdom to those who are fearless and Oh Goddess who destroys the fear of poverty, who is there in this world except you who has a heart dripped in mercy.

17.  Eapir hathair Jagathupaithi sukham thadaihe,
       Kurvanthu nama narakaya chiraya papam,
       Samgrama mruthyu madhigamya divam prayanthu,
       Mathwethi noona mahithan vinihamsi devi.
Hey Goddess you kill your enemies thinking that this world should feel happiness. These asuras are killed, so that these asuras should not do more sins fore several ages and so that they will not reach the hell, which is full of diseases and that they should travel towards heaven being killed in this war by you.
(This is an answer to the doubt to the sentiments expressed in the last stanza that, though goddess has a melting heart with mercy, she has killed several asuras. )

18.  Dushtaiva kim bhavathi prakarothi bhasma,
       Sarvasuranareeshu yal prahinoshi sasthram,
       Lokaan prayanthu ripavo api hi sasthra puthra,
       Itham mathir bhavathi theshwa hithesu swadhi.
Hey goddess do you not turn into ash all asuras just by your sight? It is definite, that you send your weapons at them only with a view to purify them by contact with your weapons and with a good intention that even your enemies should reach heaven.

19.  Gadga prabha nikara vishuranai sthodhagrai,
       Soolagra kanthi nivahena druso asuranam,
       Yannagatha vilayamamsuma dindhu ganda,
       Yogyananam thava vilokayatham thdethath.
The reason why the eyes of Asuras are staring at the glitter of the collection of your shining swords and the collective glitter of the ends of your spear is because they are staring at your holy face adorned with the cool crescent.

20.  Dur vrutha vrutha samanam thava devi seelam,
       Roopam thadiva thadha vicinthya mathulya manyai,
       Veeryam cha hanthya hrutha deva parakramanam,
       Vairishwapi prakatithaiva dhaya twayetham.
Holy Goddess, thy pristine character brings to an end the bad characteristics of base people, and similarly your pretty mien can never be imagined by ordinary minds and also does not have similarity with all other pretty things. Also your valour kills all asuras and thus you show your mercy even towards thine enemies.

(killed by her they attain salvation)

(to be contd…..)

Saturday 3 December 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 4: The prayer of Sakradi devathas.

11.  Ishath sahasam amalam paripoorna chandra,
       Bhibanukari prahruthama kanthi kantham,
       Athyathbutham prahruthamaatharusha thadhapi,
       Vakthram vilokhya sahasa mahishasurena.
Though your face which is pretty with a captivating a smile and which is similar to the full moon and which is having the glitter of the purest gold, it was speedily hit by the very angry Mahishasura. This is indeed surprising.

12.  Dhrushtwa thu devi, kupitham brukutikarala,
       Mudrchcha sanka sadhya schavee yanna sadhya,
       Pranaan mumocha mahishas thadeeva chithram,
       Kair jeevithe he kupithanthaka darsanena.
Hey Goddess, in spite of seeing your very angry face with sharply bent eye brows and which resembled the reddish full moon just when it is rising, Mahishasura did not choose to give up his life. This is indeed surprising because, which being would choose to continue to live after seeing the very angry God of death.

13.  Devi praseedha paramaa bhavathi bhavaya,
       Sadhyo vinasayasi kopavathi kulani,
       Vignanametha dhadhunaiva yadasthametha,
       Nnetham bhalam suvipulam mahishasurasya.
Hey Goddess, be pleased with me. You are the most powerful goddess Lakshmi. If you are pleased the family is greatly enlarged and if you are angry, you destroy several generations of families. This is known now, because you destroyed the great and large army of Mahishasura.

14.  Theey Sammatha jana padeshu dhanani theshaam,
       Theshaam yasamsi na cha seedhathi dharma varga,
       Dhanyastha eva nibrudhathmaja abhyathya dhara,
       Yesham sadabhydayadha bhavathee prasanna.
Those to whom you always give progress and are happy with them, they are the people recognized by all. They would only get wealth and fame. For them the Dharma never goes away. They are the people with good sons, servants and wife.

15. Dharmyani devi, sakalani sadaiva karmaa,
       Anyadhutha prathidhinam sukruthi karothi,
       Swargam prayathi cha thatho bhavathi prasadath,
       Loka thraye aapi phaladha nanu devi thena.
Hey Goddess, by your blessings the blessed man always and with feelings of holiness is able to do all his duties which are dictated by just conduct. Because of that he attains heaven and salvation. So it is definite that you give results in all the three worlds.

(to be contd…..)

Friday 2 December 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 4: The prayer of Sakradi devathas.

6.    Hethu samastha jagatham trigunaapi doshair,
       Na Jnayase hariharadhibhirapyapaara,
       Sarvasrayakhilamidam jagadamsa bhootha,
       Mavyakyatha hi parama prakruthisthwamadhya.
You are the cause and root of everything in the world. Though you are having the three properties of Sathwa(holy), Rajas(vigorous) and Thamas(base ), you are not affected by any type of passion. You are one who is not even fully known to the trinity of Vishnu, Brahma and Rudra. You are one on whom all beings depend. This entire world is a part of you. Since the primeval force, which gave life to all Gods, you are bereft of any emotion.

7.    Yasya samastha suratha samudheeranena,
       Trupthim prayathi sakaleshu makheshu devi,
       Swahasi vai pithru ganasya cha trupthihethu,
       Rucharyasethwamatha eva janai swatha cha.
 Hey Goddess, You are the “Swaha” by pronouncing which in all fire sacrifices the gods get satisfied and you are the “Swadha” which is the source of satisfaction of manes.
(“While offering sacrifice to the Gods fire is the mediator. He receives the offerings, which are put in to him with the word “Swaha”, and gives to the Gods. In worship of the manes, water is offered as “Swadha” to the manes. )

8.    Yaa mukthihethu ravichinthyaw maha vrutha thwa,
       Mabhysyase suniyathendriya thathwa sarai,
       Moksharthibhir munibhirastha samastha doshair,
       Vidhyasi saa bhagawathee parama he devi.
Hey Goddess, You are that knowledge which is the root cause of salvation, that knowledge which takes one to god by unthinkable great penance, because you are being searched by those sages who have lost all bad wishes and conduct, who think that search of God is the essence of their life and who forever crave for methods of salvation.

9.    Sabhathmika suvi malarghya jusham nidhana,
       Mudhgedharamya padha patavatham cha samnaam,
       Devi, thwayi bhagawathi bhava bhavanaya,
       Vartha cha sarva jagatham paramarthi hanthree.
Oh, Goddess, your soul is the holy sound, you are the songs of sama Veda which are made of very holy verses and which are made up of songs of lovely words, you are the desire, you are the personification of three Vedas, you are the essence of knowledge of the day to day life, and you are the destroyer of the ills of all the world.

10.  Medhasi devi, vidhithakhila sastra sara,
       Durgasi durga bhava sagara naura sanga,
       Sri kaida bhari hrudaika kruthadhivasa,
       Gauri Thwameva sasi mouli krutha prathishta.
Hey Goddess, You are the wisdom which makes one capable of knowing all the knowledge so far known, You are the incomparable Durga who is a boat which helps one to cross the ocean of day to day life, You are the Goddess Lakshmi living in the chest of Lord Vishnu and you are the Goddess Gauri who lives in Lord Parameshwara who wears the crescent.

(to be contd…..)

Thursday 1 December 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 4: The prayer of Sakradi devathas.

1.    Rishir Uvacha:-
       Sakradhaya suragana nihathe athiveerya,
       Thasmin durathmani surari bale cha devya,
       Thaam thushtuvu pranathi namra siro daramsa,
       Vagbhi praharsha pulgothgama charu deha.

The sage told:-
When the very strong Asura army and very valorous and bad natured Mahishasura were killed by the Goddess, Indra and other gods and sages in his circle, With necks bending to her in salutation, and with handsome body enthused by the great happiness, prayed to the Goddess.

2.    Devya yaya thathamidham jagadathma shakthya,
       Nissesha deva gana shakthi samooha moorthya,
       Thaam ambikam akhila deva maharshi poojyam,
       Bhakthya nathasma vidha dhahthu shubhani saa na.

We venerate with ultimate devotion before that Goddess Ambika, whose body has been made by the strength of the collection of all devas and from whose strength this entire world has been created and who merits to be venerated by all the Gods and sages. Let her do well to all of us.

3.    Yasya prabhavam athulam bhagwan anantho,
       Brahma harascha nahi vakthumalam balam cha,
       Saa chandika akhila jagath paripalanaya,
       Naasaya chaashubha bhayasya mathim karothu.

Let that Chandika whose incomparable strength and power cannot even be described fully by Brahma, the inexhaustible Vishnu and Lord Shiva, help us in proper upkeep of the entire universe and remove the fear that emanates from the unholy events.

4.    Yaa sree swayam sukrtheenaam bhavaneshwa lakshmi,
       Papathmaanam krutha dhiyaam hrudhayeshu budhi,
       Sradhaa sathaam kula jana prabhavasya lajja,
       Thaam thwaam nathaa sma paripalaya devi viswam.

We salute that Goddess who is and will be in the form of wealth in the houses of holy people, who is and will be in the form of misfortune in the home of sinners, who is and will be in the form of wisdom in the heart of learned people, who is and will be in the form of good conduct in the hearts of goo people and who is and will be in the form of shyness in the minds of those people born in good families. Oh Goddess, please save this world.

5.    Kim varnayama thava roopa machinthya methath,
       Kim chathi veeryamasura kshayakari bhoori,
       Kim chahaveshu charithani thavathi yani,
       Sarveshu devyasura deva ganadhikeshu.

How can one describe your present form which cannot be even thought by asuras and devas? How can we describe your great valour, which lead to the destruction of many asuras? How can we describe your skill, which was shown in this war?

(to be contd…..)

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

36.  Devyuvacha:-
       Garja Garja kshanam mooda madhu yavath pibamyaham,
       Maya twayi hathe athraiva garjishyanthyasu devatha.
 The Goddess told:-
       Hey Idiot, You keep on roaring again and again for little more time till I drink this wine. When I kill you quickly these gods will roar with happiness.

37.  Rishir Uvacha:-
       Eva mukthwa samuth pathya saa rooda thaam mahasuram,
       Paadenakramya kante cha soole maina mathadayath.
 The sage told:-
       After telling thus that Goddess climbed on the Asura and by oppressing him by her feet drove the spear in to him.

38.  Thatha soapi padakraantha sthaya nija mukha thatha,
       Ardha nishkantha evathi devya veeryena samvyatha.
 Afterwards he being pressed by the feet of the Goddess tried to lift half of his body and face but was kept immobile by her.

39.  Ardha nishkantha eva sou yudhya mano mahasura,
       Thaya mahasina devya siraschithwa nipathitha.
That great Asura though he fought with half his body, was felled down by the goddess by cutting his head by the big sword.

40.  Thatho haha krutham sarvam dhaithya sainye nanasa thath,
       Praharsham cha param jagmu sakala devatha gana.
 Afterwards that great Asura army ran away shouting,”Ha”, “Ha” and all the Gods attained great happiness.

41.  Thushtuvasthaam sura deveem saha divyair maharshibhi,
       Jagur gandarwa pathayo nanyuthuschapsa saro gana.
The gods along with sages in the heaven prayed that Goddess, the chiefs of gandarwas (celestial singers) sang about her and crowds of Apsaras (Deva dancers) danced.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
       Devi Mahatmye,
       Mahishasura vadho nama,
       Trithiyo adhyaya,
This is the third chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the killing of Mahishasura Occurring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana.

(to be contd…..)

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

31.  Karena cha maha simham tham chakarsha jagarja cha,
       Karshathasthu karam devi gadgena nirakrunthatha.
He (with form of an elephant) with his huge trunk pulled that great lion and trumpeted. But the Goddess cut off his pulling trunk using the sword.

32.  Thatho mahasuro bhooyo maahisham vapurasthitha,
       Thadiva Kshobhayamasa trilokyam sa characharam.
 Afterwards that Great Asura again took the form of Buffalo and shook the entire world with all its beings.

33.  Thatha Krudha Jaganmatha chandika panamuthamam,
       Papow puna punaschaiwa jahasa aruna lochana.
 Afterwards that Goddess Chandika who was the mother of the entire world, with great anger and with blood shot eyes, drank high quality wine and again and again laughed.

34.  Nanardha chaasura sopi bala veerya madhodadhada,
       Varshanabhyam cha chiksepa chandikaam prathi bhoodaraan.
 That Asura who was ferociously agile due to his great strength shouted at her and threw mountains at her with his horns.

35.  Saa cha thaan prahithaamsthena choornayanthi saroth karai,
       Uvacha tham Madhoduddha muga raga kulaksharam.
That Goddess made in to powder, mountains thrown at her and with reddish face and with unclear words told him.
(Reddish face and unclear words were as a result of wine. )

(to be contd…..)

Monday 28 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

 26. Duthasrunga vibhinnascha Gandam Gandam yuyurghana,
       Swasa anilastha sathaso nipethurnnabhaso achala.
 The clouds, which were moved by his horns, broke in to pieces and the mountains, which were blown by his breath, fell into innumerable pieces.

27.  Ithi krodha samadhmaatha maapadantham Mahasura,
       Drushtwa saa chandika kopam thadwadhaya thadakaroth.
 Seeing the Mahishasura who was burning with anger and running towards her, that Chandika became angry and decided to kill him.

28.  Saa kshipthwa thasya vai paasam tham babandha mahasuram,
       Thathyaja mahishamroopam so api bhadho mahamrudhe.
 In that Great War That Goddess threw the famous Pasa (literally rope) and tied that great Asura. Though he was tied he gave up the form of the buffalo

29.  Thatha Simho abhavadsadhyo yavathambhika sira,
       Chinnathi thavaht purusha Gadgapaniradhursyadha.
 Afterwards that Asura swiftly became lion and when she was cutting his head, then he was seen as a male who was holding a sword.

30.  Thatha evasu purusham devi chichedha sayakai,
       Tham gadga charmana saardham thatha so aboon maha gaja.
 Afterwards the Goddess cut the head of the man with a sword and shield by using swift arrows. Then from that man he became a very big elephant.

(to be contd…..)

Sunday 27 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

21.  Kaschit thunda praharena Khurakshepai sthadhaparaan,
       Langula thadithamschanyan srungabhyam cha vidharithaan

22.  Vegena kamschid aparan nadena bramanena cha,
       Niswasa pavanonyan pathayamasa bhoothale.
 Mahishasura hit some with his face, some others he stamped with his hoof, some others he beat with his tail, some by tearing with his horns, some he fell on the ground because of his speed, some by sound, some by his movement and some by his breath.

23.  Nipaathya pramadhaneeka mabhyadhavatha soasura,
       Simham hanthum maha devya kopam chakre thathombika.
 After felling her army he ran towards the lion to kill it and this made the Goddess angry.

24.  So api kopaan maha veerya Ghurakshanna mahee thala,
       Srungabhyaam Parvathan uchamscchikshepa cha nanadha cha.
 He who is very strong became very angry and by tearing the earth by his front hoof threw the mountains by his two horns and shrieked.

25.  Vega bramana vikshunna mahii thasya vyaseeryatha,
       Langulenahthaschabdhi plavayamasa sarvatha.
Due to his fast rotation the earth was broken and the ocean which was beaten by his tail rose up and drowned every one.

(to be contd…..)

Friday 25 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

16.  Udagrascha rane devya Shila vrakshadhibhir hatha,
       Danda mushti thalaischaiva karalascha nipathitha.

In the war Udagra was also killed by stones and trees and Karala was killed by teeth, fist and palm.
(Some people interpret instead of “teeth, fist and Palm”, sword whose handle was made of ivory. )

17.  Devi krudha gadha pathai choornayamasa chodhatham,
       Bashkalam bindhipalena banaisthamram thadandhakam.

18.  Ugrasya mugra veeryam cha thadiva cha Maha hanum,
       Trinethra cha trishoolena jagana Parameshwari.

The Goddess with great anger powdered Udhatha with hits from her mace. The three eyed goddess of every one, killed Bashkala with her scythe. With her arrows Thamra and Andhaka, with her trident Ugrasya, Ugraveera and Maha Hanu.

19.  Bidlasyaasina kayath pathayamasa vai sira,
       Durdharam durmugam chobhou sarair ninye yama kshayam.

With sword she separated the head of Bidala from his body and famously made it fall and with arrows she sent Durdhara and Durmukha to the place of God of death.

20.  Evam Samksheeyamano thu swasainye Mahishasura,
       Mahishena swaroopena trasayamasa thaan ganan.

When his army was thus being vanquished Mahishasura took the shape of a buffalo and scared the army of the Goddess.

(to be contd…..)

Thursday 24 November 2016

Pictures from Sri Thirumeni Guruji's Puja's

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

11.  Sopi shakthim mumochadha devyasthamambika drutham,
       Hungararibi hatham bhoomou pathayamasa nishprabham.
 Afterwards he too threw a spear at the Goddess. The Goddess after swiftly destroying it, made it loose the glitter and made it fall on to the earth.

12.  Bhagnam shakthim nipathitham drusthwa krodha samanvitha,
       Chikshepa chamara soolam ambanai sthadabhi saachinnath.
 Chamara seeing that his spear was destroyed, threw the trident and the Goddess cut it off with her arrows.

13.  Thatha simha samuthpathya gaja kumbhandhara sthidha,
       Bahu yuddhena yuyudhe thenochai thridasaarina.
 Afterwards that lion jumped up to a great height and standing on the forehead of the elephant fought with the Asura using its hands.

14.  Yudhyamanou thathasthou thu tasmanaganmaheem gathou,
       Yuyudhathe athi samrabdhou praharairathi darunai.
 Afterwards they (Lion and Chamara) who were fighting jumped to the earth from the elephant and with great anger continued the horrific fighting with slaps. (Note that in most of the places where wresting is done, the Goddess does not take part. )

15.  Thado vegath gamuthpathya nipathya cha mriagarina,,
       Karapraharena siraschamarasya pradhakrutham.
 Then they both jumped on to the sky and again fell down. Then by a hit of the hand, the lion separated the head of Chamara from his trunk.

(to be contd…..)

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

6.    Simhamahathya gadgena, theeshna dharena moordhani,
       Jajwalyamanam thejobhi ravi bhimbha mivambharan.
That Asura called Chikshura who was a commander wounded the lion on his head by the sword and hit the Goddess on her left hand.

7.    Thasya Gadgo bhujam prapya paphala nrupa nandana,
       thatho jagraha soolam sa kopadh aruna lochana.
Hey king, that sword reaching the arm of the Goddess broke in to pieces and he with red eyes due to extreme anger took the spear.

8.    Chiksepa cha thathasthathu Bhadrakalyaam mahasura,
       Jajwalyamanam thejobhi ravi bimbha mivambarath.
 Afterwards that great Asura reached the sky and like the shining sun of the sky threw that shining spear at the good giving Goddess.

9.    Drushtwa thadapathascsulam devi soolamamunchadha,
       Thena thaccha thadha neetham soolam sa cha mahasura.
 Seeing the spear thrown by the Asura coming towards her, she sent her spear and split in to hundred that spear as well as that great Asura.

10.  Hathe thasmin maha veerye, mahishasya chamoopathou,
       Aajagama gajarudaan Chamara tridasardhana
 Seeing that, that very strong commander in chief of Mahishasura was killed by her. One Asura called Chamara came riding on an elephant.

 (to be contd…..)

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

1.    Rishir Uvacha:-
       Nihanyamanam that sainyamavalokya mahasura,
       senani chikshura kopadhyaou yodhumambikaam.
 The sage said:-
Afterwards seeing that the entire army of Mahishasura was destroyed, A commander of their army known as Chikshura started for war against the goddess.

2.    Saa deveem sara varshena va varsha samare asura,
       Yadha meru gire srungam thoya varshena thoyadha.
 In that war, that Chikshura rained arrows at her similar to the torrential rain of water covering the peaks of Meru Mountain

3.    Thasya Chithwa thatho devi leelayeva saroth karaan,
       Jagana thuragan banairyanthaaram chaiva vajinaam.
Afterwards the goddess as if she was playing, cutoff his crowd of arrows and killed his horses and horseman.

4.    Chichedha cha dhanu sadhyo dwajam chaadhi samuchridham,
       Vivyadha chaiva gathreshu chinna dhanwa namausugai.
 Then the Goddess cut of his bow and flag post of his chariot and hit him in all his organs by arrows.

5.    Sa Chinadhanwa, viradho, hathaswo hatha saradhi,
       Abhyadavadha thaam devim gadga charmadharo asura.
That Asura whose bow was cut, whose chariot was broken, whose horse was killed and whose chariot driver was killed ran towards her with a sword and a shield.

(to be contd…..)

Monday 21 November 2016

Devi Mahatmyam

Sri Devi Mahatmyam
Madhyama Charitham
(Middle part)
Chapter 2: Killing of the armies of Mahishasura.

66.  Kshanena than maha sainyamasuranam thadhambhika,
       Ninye kshayam yadha vahnis tharna dharu maha chayam.
That goddess destroyed the huge Asura army as quickly as a huge fire destroys heaps of straw.

67.  Sa cha simho maha nada musrujan dutha kesara.
       Sarerebhyo amarareenamasuniva vichinwathi.
That lion with its flowing manes and with a great roar, appeared as if it was interested in taking away souls from the Asura bodies

68.  Devya Ganaischa thaisthathra krutham yudham thadhasurai,
       Yadhishaam thustuvur deva pushpa vrushti mucho dhivi.
While the devas who were singing her praise and causing rain of flowers, there was war between asuras and the army of the goddess.
Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
       Devi Mahatmye,
       Mahishasura sainya vadho nama,
       Dwithiyo adhyaya,
This is the second chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the killing of the army of Mahishasura Occurring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana

(to be contd…..)